Analysis Of News Violating The Journalistic Code Of Ethics In South Sulawesi Online Media In Reporting Murder Cases
The journalistic code of ethics is a set of rules that must be applied by journalists and journalists as well as a guide on how to write good and correct news. According to researchers, there are still many violations of the journalistic code of ethics committed by journalists. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, namely analyzing documents broadly and thoroughly. Based on the research conducted, there are 20 articles that violate the code of ethics article 4 regarding sadistic acts. This case is found in murder cases, for example, like the words "slitting, mutilating, slashing, and whipping". This study aims to determine errors in the journalistic code of ethics in online media, especially on the Detik Sulsel online media portal. Researchers have conducted research on 20 news articles on murder cases in online media Detik Sulsel for the period August, September, October. The results of this study are that there are still violations of the journalistic code of ethics article 4 which causes errors in writing the news chronology of the murder case which is considered too sadistic.